Friday 20 January 2017

Well I suppose it had to happen sometime

We've had a quiet week just living, going to the market or supermarket, having coffee out, walking around the streets and getting to know Valencia more.  Tuesday morning we woke up to rain, yes really, here's the evidence.  The morning was dry and we walked to our Spanish lesson.  And then it started raining and then hail stoned for about half an hour, and then the sun came out, so that was okay.

Earlier in the week we went back to the Turia and walked further through the gardens than before had a look at the outside of the Belle Artes Museum. Might go there tomorrow if there is a break in the weather.  They have lots of paintings from Sorrolla, a very famous Spanish artist.  We saw some of his paintings in Madrid and Barcelona way back, so would like to see more... lovely stuff.

Me sitting in the sun

We had seen this narrow passage way just down the road from us, which leads down to a church doorway.  We had seen loads of people going down to it during the week, so we thought we would explore.  What a find!  The most beautiful church, most of it was built and decorated in the 15th century, but originally much earlier.  Absolutely stunning.  I usually don't like Spanish churches because they are rather brutal, dark and foreboding.  But this one was spectacular.  It's been going through loving restoration over the past few years... spectacular.

Today, well what can I say.  The weather report said it would rain and it certainly did, from when we woke up and it is still going  The sky is steel grey and we had to close the shutters as the wind is fierce they were banging around.  The rain hasn't stopped, and consisted of big splats of rain.  We walked to Spanish and got soaked, dried off, walked to the supermarket on the way home and got soaked, and by the time we reached home it was running past my ankles and had crept up my jeans to over my kness.  Hurrumph, a shitty day weather wise.  So we grabbed a bottle of wine, and we will be camping in for the night.   Enough about the weather.

For the Fashionistas - the drowned rat look
Well actually more about the weather, the downpours continue with thunder and lightening today again, we walked the market and back again with water to our ankles.  Back home and in the dry now, and we will not venture out again until it stops. 

Ending on some blue sky, not that we have any, but to remind us what will happen next week! I hope, no I'm sure......

I rather fancy one of those flats here, up top, with a balcony

Plaza del Reina and the Cathedral

The Basilica

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