Saturday 14 January 2017

Hablo Espanol

We went to our first Spanish conversation class.  I was a bit worried about it, but was so surprised, we did really well.  Nattered away to Marie Angeles for an hour and half.  Our brains were completely fried afterwards, but it's just what we need.  Also Marie is a good teacher and quickly mastered our level and spoke clearly.  We are not allowed to speak in English which can be challenge.   So we've signed up for two sessions a week with her for next couple of weeks, and then we will see after that.

We've continued to do our mega walks around the city, exploring all the roads.  The trouble is, that you find a nice shop or restaurant, and then completely forget where it is, as you have been walking around in circles.  Oh dear, will have to go exploring again!

I have to say I am in love with this city.  It is full of really elegant, lovely buildings with iron balconies and streets of apartments.  It is all apartments, as are most Spanish cities  Some of them around the back or quite dilapidated, and it is sad to see these wonderful buildings in a bad state but  I think the economy is picking up again in Spain. There seems to  be lots of renovation going on.

Orange trees in the plaza

Cathedral sky

We've just lived to date. Going for a walk doing our shopping at the supermarket or Central Mercado in the mornings, coming back making lunch.  Playing around on the computer, going for another walk, sitting in a square in the sunshine, going for coffee and pastry in the afternoon.  For the past couple of nights we've had dinner at home and then going for a glass of wine down the street at 10pm.  Yes, people don't go out here until at least 10pm.

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