Wednesday 22 February 2017

Stuff I

Life continues like normal.  We are attempting to speak Spanish with Marie Angeles, and she doesn't wince too often with our attempt to speak her language.  It feels like we are not progressing, but we are, and also getting more confidence to have a go.  The people here are usually very kind, they don't laugh often.

Unfortunately last week my back decided to go into total melt down and since then I have been doing a fine Quasimodo impression.  Don't know whether to stand, sit or lay down.  Doing all of them and taking medicinal alcohol as well!  We have been doing a lot of walking since we got here, and I wonder if I've just done too much of it.  Shame really as we are getting fitter slowly.

Well one thing we have completed  -  we walked the whole of the Turia right to both ends (9 kilometres).  Not all in one go of course but yesterday the last bit of it up to the Bio Parc. Won't mean much to you, but these guys were having a brilliant time doing group games and bursting balloons.  Felt like joining in.

Stunning bridges all along the Turia.

Letter Boxes at the Central Post office

Think I might have shown this door knocker before

Wall Mural

Door Plate
Letter Box
Every week there is dancing in the cathedral square, but today something a little difference.  The place was full of men, woman and children all dressed up.  Not sure if they come over from the Canary Islands to this event, or if they are Canarians living in Valence.  It was spectacular.  I started talking to a guide who confirmed that the Valencians take every opportunity to dress up and show off.

The pictures tell it all, and I am sorry if you are getting bored.  The events for Las Fallas are hotting up with a start ceremony this coming Sunday. 

And lastly the Women's Institute!!

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