Saturday 22 April 2017

The Ninots

The Ninots

There is a huge industry in Spain for making huge models and in Valencia it is at it's peak.  Hoards of artisans work all year building the Las Fallas Ninots, and each barrio has a main one and one for the children. Bigger more wealthy barrios have huge one, with other having smaller more local ones, but all brilliant.

Some of them are 40 feet high and costs hundreds of thousands.  Each Barrio displays them, and then they are judged, the winner goes into the Fallas Museum, and all the others are burnt on the final night of Fallas in a ceremony called the Crema.  It seems such a shame with all the work that goes into creating them.  But suppose where would they all be kept.

Our understanding is that the history comes out of the original fiesta where are the rubbish was piled into the streets and burnt each Spring.  Then came the Fallas.

Here are some of them.

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