Monday 10 April 2017

Gale and Tim came to play

Gale and Tim came to play during Fallas week.  Hope they enjoyed it as the place was completely manic.  We met them at the metro station in town, and it took an hour to walk back to the apartment as roads were closed off and the streets were crammed with people.  It was so exhausting that we just had to stop at a hostelry on the walk back, for a short rest!

Poor Tim was knackered on Friday evening, and me, Rod and Gale walked across the Turia at midnight, down a few bridges on the other side of the gardens in the hope of seeing the firework display.  Unfortunately if you stay in the centre you can't get near enough to see very much and the crowds of people freak me out.

But look! it was fabulous and went on for about 20 minutes

Our local Ninot, you can't see it all, but it is sperm, jumping over hurdles towards a pregnant woman to the right.  Hilarious and was sponsored by the local maternity unit.

Drinks on Saturday nights

As near to the Mascleta that we could get - see all the people behind us

Gale enjoying cocktails at Grannies

The next day we walked in Plaza del Virgin to have breakfast to find the whole square bedecked with Flowers and the Virgen covered in red and white carnations.  Beautiful.

The beach after Casa Montana

Palau of Music

We walked the Turia down to the City of Arts and Sciences

We saw this US aircraft carrier today

We met the 7th Fleet this evening.  They were great fun, absolutely trollied, but hey they were on their way down to Syria, so you can't blame them

A local Ninot showing the local mascot of Valencia, the BAT

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