Tuesday 14 March 2017

Parada del Ninots - Saturday

Parada del Ninots

Today is the start of the children's parade which starts near us and wends its way down the main street to Ajutamente.  It started about six and was still parading along at 10pm.  Each barrio (district), schools and children's centre builds their own floats around a central theme.  Some of them we couldn't work out what they were, but it was great to watch.

I felt very sorry for them by the end of the evening, and for some reason the temperature really dropped today, and I was shivering in my padded jacket watching them.  Poor things must have been frozen by 10 pm.

Not sure what they were meant to be, but they were gorgeous

And none of popcorn was real!

I wasn't quite sure why these figures were in the childrens parade.  We had seen the dance performed in Plaza de la Virgen when we here five years ago, and it was quite creepy and unsettling.  She (or a he usually) a historical symbolic figure which represents Virtue and appears every Corpus Cristi in Valencia and also in several towns in the province. In the Dance of The Moma, Virtue is tempted by seven figures who represent the Seven Deadly Sins.  They dance until she is left and then she was overwhelmed by the other figures. 

Sticker on the bum staying emergency exit !

Just Brilliant!

The mean were carrying a fabric paella pan and the children were dressed as vegetables.  When the whistle blew, all the children leapt into the pan.... wonderful

Meant to be the Crema, the burning of all the Ninots which will happen next Saturday

                                Not sure why these were included, but as ever, beautiful to see

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